Born in Osaka in 1975, Ellie Omiya has been active in various areas ranging from writing to directing stage plays, drama and film directing, video production, and as a radio personality. She began creating paintings in 2012 and held her first museum-based solo exhibition "Sincerely Yours " (Towada Art Center, Aomori) in 2016. Her works have also been exhibited in the city arcade. In 2019, she held "A Wonderful Forest" (TICOLAT TAMURA, Hong Kong), her first solo exhibition at an overseas gallery, while concurrently participating in Art Basel and holding solo exhibitions in Milan and Paris. She held a solo exhibition at Galerie Boulakia in London in 2022. Since 2020, she has expanded activities in education, have been conducting online courses named "Ellie Gakuen," a school for adults that trains creative muscles, as well as "Kodomo Ellie Gakuen," a school for children specializing in words and art.