From the autumn season starting on Saturday, September 28, new 25 art works will be exhibited and 3 artworks will be replaced. Also many performance events will be held.
In addition, some of the exhibition are canceled and some work title are changed.

1 New artworks from autumn season
New works from the fall season and works that will be replaced or added are shown in Attachment 2.

2 Works that will be canceled
The following works will be canceled during the fall season.

(Work number) na23-B
(Artist / work title) Chiyoko Todaka “Sense in the distance”
Due to the water level of Hiroki Pond, the exhibition place, the artwork can not be exhibited.

(Work number) sd29
(Artist / work title) Rosa Barba "Fosse ’d Orchestre" "White Museum"
One of the three works that had been suspended from the summer due to a problem
(Artwork using the recorded voices of people working at an island factory, and its speakers are floating in the sea)
(Reason) Due to maintenance problems of the typhoon season

3 Works whose titles will be changed
The following works will be renamed.

(Work number) na06-B
(Artist) [Architecture] Taira Nishizawa [Art] Yoichi Midorikawa [Curation] Motoyuki Shimomichi
(Title) Before the change "Yoichi Midorikawa Exhibition" → After the change "Setouchi "Yoichi Midorikawa" Museum"

(Work number) ho12
(Artist) Alicja Kwade
(Title) “Revolution / WorldLines”