Yumiko Fujino
She designs works based on research in vacant houses and abandoned villages. Using Japanese painting materials such as rock paint, hemp paper, foil, etc., she configures artworks based on the painting including the display form at the venue.
【Major exhibitions etc.】
2012 Artist-in-residence in Bretagne, France
2013 Setouchi Triennale 2013 (Kagawa)
2015 Itinérances Rétrospective «l’ Art dans les Cités» / Le centre d’ art Les 3 CHA (France)
2015 Solo exhibition / back view / Oga store warehouse (Shiga)
2017 Asuka Art Village 2017 / Asuka village (Nara)
2009 The 63rd Shiga Exhibition / Specialty Selected Shiga Prefectural Design Group Encouragement Prize
2013 The 24th Heiwado Foundation Up coming Artists Subsidy / Art Encouragement Award