


2013.02.23 Artists from Asia Converge on Shodoshima

On February 21, representatives of art and cultural organizations from six countries in Asia (Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Singapore, and Thailand) arrived to view works in progress on Shodoshima, Naoshima, Teshima, Ogijima and Megijima, and to discuss the Asia Art Platform “Fukutake House” project, which will open on Shodoshima in the Triennale Summer Season. The representatives were impressed by the beauty of the islands and the energy and enthusiasm of the support volunteers and saw much potential in the project venue, the Fukuda Elementary School.

Every region in Asia has its own unique lifestyle, culture and food traditions, but like Japan, these regions are also confronting the homogenizing wave of globalization. All share the dilemma of how to retain their identity in the form of local lifestyle and culture, and the question of whether we can protect the connection between people and the local environment through art, which keeps lifestyles and culture vibrant and alive. This initiative will explore how we can continue to work together to develop installations and symposiums while at the same time encouraging the development of activities unique to each region.